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  • Trust Services

We offer professional trust services to provide comprehensive wealth management and asset protection for you and your family. Whether you are an individual, a family, or a business, we can provide you with tailor-made trust solutions to achieve your financial goals and estate planning. Trust is a financial arrangement in which a trustor transfers assets to a trustee to manage and utilize those assets under conditions specified by law for the benefit of the beneficiaries. Hong Kong, as an international financial center, has a well-established legal and regulatory framework that has attracted many trust companies and professional institutions to provide trust services here.

Trust services include but are not limited to the following:

  • Asset Protection: Through trust arrangements, individuals or businesses can transfer assets to trustees to protect them from legal disputes, creditors, or other risks.

  • Wealth Management: Trust companies typically provide professional wealth management services, developing suitable investment strategies and financial plans according to clients' needs and goals.

  • Estate Planning: By establishing trusts, individuals can effectively plan their estates, ensuring that assets are distributed according to their wishes while minimizing tax burdens.

  • Corporate Restructuring: Trusts can serve as important tools for corporate restructuring and merger and acquisition transactions, helping companies achieve financial goals while protecting shareholder interests.

  • Charitable Trusts: Hong Kong's trust laws allow for the establishment of charitable trusts to support charitable causes and social welfare projects.

  • Listed Company Bonds

We accept bonds issued by listed companies for financing. This business direction aims to provide customers with diversified financing options to support their business development and capital needs. Listed company bonds are debt instruments issued by listed companies to raise funds. These bonds are usually sold by companies to investors, who lend funds to the company with the promise of interest payments within a specified period and repayment of principal at maturity.


Here are some introductions and advantages of listed company bonds:

  • Stable Income Stream: Bondholders can receive fixed interest income, which is not affected by stock market fluctuations, making it particularly attractive to investors seeking stable income or retirement planning.

  • Fixed Interest Rates: Most bonds have fixed interest rates, meaning investors know the future interest income they will receive. This helps with long-term financial planning and forecasting.

  • Diversified Investment Portfolio: Bonds can be used to diversify investment portfolios to reduce overall risk. Compared to stocks, bonds typically have lower risk but provide stable returns.

  • Credit Rating Protection: Many listed company bonds undergo credit ratings by independent agencies, helping investors assess the level of risk. High credit-rated bonds usually imply lower credit risk for the issuing company, increasing investor confidence in the security of their funds.

  • Liquidity: The bond market generally has higher liquidity compared to stocks. This means investors can more easily sell bonds and access funds when needed.

  • Priority Payment Rights: In the event of a company's bankruptcy, bondholders usually have priority over shareholders in asset distribution. This means that even if the company goes bankrupt, bondholders may still receive partial or full repayment of principal.

  • Insurance Policy Revitalization & Financing

We provide professional insurance policy revitalization and financing services to help you maximize the value of your policy to achieve financial goals and emergency funding needs. Whether you need cash flow or are seeking long-term financial planning, we can provide the best solutions. Insurance policy revitalization refers to transforming existing insurance policies into a financial asset, usually by selling or transferring them to a third party to obtain cash. Insurance policy revitalization can quickly provide cash for emergency funds, investment opportunities, or other funding needs. Insurance financing involves using insurance policies as collateral to borrow from financial institutions or financial companies. This financing method is usually for permanent life insurance policies with a borrowing limit not exceeding the cash value of the policy. Insurance financing can provide flexible funds, and interest rates are generally more competitive than other forms of loans.


The advantages of combining life insurance revitalization and insurance financing include:

  • Maximizing Capital Utilization: Combining life insurance revitalization and insurance financing can maximize capital utilization, using both the cash value of the policy and borrowed funds to meet funding needs.

  • Flexibility: The combination of these two strategies provides greater flexibility, allowing borrowers to choose between life insurance revitalization or insurance financing based on their needs and goals, or use both in combination.

  • Flexibility: The combination of these two strategies provides greater flexibility, allowing borrowers to choose between life insurance revitalization or insurance financing based on their needs and goals, or use both in combination.

  • Interest Control: Insurance financing typically has lower interest rates, so combining this low-cost funding with the cash value of life insurance can help borrowers control interest costs.

  • Residential Property Mortgages

We provide flexible and convenient residential property mortgage services, allowing you to easily realize your dream of homeownership. Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or an experienced investor, we can provide you with professional loan solutions to easily own your ideal residential property.

  • Flexible Loan Amounts: We offer a variety of loan amount options based on your needs and financial status, ensuring you can obtain sufficient funds to purchase your dream home.

  • Preferential Interest Rates: We offer competitive rates, allowing you to enjoy the most favorable loan terms whether you choose fixed or floating rates.

  • Flexible Repayment Terms: We offer a variety of repayment term options, allowing you to choose the most suitable repayment method according to your financial plan, making it easy to repay the loan.

  • Professional Service Team: We have a team of professional loan consultants to provide you with comprehensive loan advice and support, ensuring you can make wise financial decisions.

  • Fast Approval: We have an efficient loan approval process to ensure you can obtain loan approval in the shortest time possible, completing property transactions quickly and easily.

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